The power of Tönnies must not be allowed to grow! That’s why on November 8 we blocked the access roads to a leather factory that Tönnies wants to take over from the Vion meat group for several hours.
The Tönnies system must finally end! Instead, the group wants to expand its market power by taking over several Vion sites: further slaughterhouses, but also cutting plants and the leather factory in Memmingen – Tönnies just can’t get enough.
Together with 20 activists, we held sit-in blockades in front of the gates of the leather factory and demonstrated loudly. Several people chained themselves together and the blockades were only broken up by the police after 5 hours.
We demand an agricultural system and textile production beyond animal production and capitalism without environmental pollution and exploitation of humans and animals!
Press reports:
Allgäuer Zeitung:
NTV: (DPA-Meldung, Ähnliche Berichte gibt es bei SZ, FAZ, Stern u.a.)
Background Information about the Take-over of Vion by Tönnies: