Our email contact addresses:
mail (at) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
PGP key for email encryption.
We also have an email newsletter; feel free to sign up:
Either click here, and your email program will open automatically.
Or manually write an email to sympa (at) lists.riseup.net with the subject “subscribe aktionscamp-tierindustrie-2020”.
If you would like to contact us, please send us an e-mail:
mail (at ) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
You can find the PGP-key here.
Antirepression working group
If you have received mail from repressive authorities in the course of an action by Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie, please contact the anti-repression working group as soon as possible. They will discuss the next steps with you.
antirepression (at) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
You can find the right PGP-key for mail encryption (important!) here.
Regional group Nordhessen
Homepage: https://tierindustrienordhessen.noblogs.org/
Mail: nordhessen (at) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
Find the PGP-Key here.
Regional group Berlin Brandenburg
Mail: berlinbrandenburg (at) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
Find the PGP-Key here.
Regional group Südliches Niedersachsen
Mail: suedl.niedersachsen (at) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
Regional group Hamburg
Mail: hamburg (at) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
Find the PGP-Key here.
Social Media group
Do you have any questions about our social media channels or would you like to work with us? Feel free to write to us!
Mail: socialmedia (at) gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org
Find the PGP-Key here.