Camp site
Let’s go to Quakenbrück! We have registered the “Camp für Agrarwende” with the authorities at the beginning of August on a public meadow area in the city center of 49610 Quakenbrück. A final decision by the assembly authorities is still pending.
The access to the site is located at the streets Hasestraße / Lagestraße. The Quakenbrück train station is in the immediate vicinity.

Arrival by train
The train station Quakenbrück can be reached by the Nordwestbahn (railroad line Oldenburg – Osnabrück). From the station you can get to the camp area via Wilhelmstraße and the railroad underpass. The walk takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Barrier information to the train station Quakenbrück can be found here, the railroad underpass is wheelchair accessible.
Solibus (Berlin, Magdeburg, Hannover, Bremen)
From Berlin (departure 23.09., 10h) there will be a bus with 50 seats to the action camp. The return trip is on 28.09. (11h from the camp). If you want to join us, you will find all information (registration, corona, contribution…) here in this post.
Arrival by car
You can reach Quakenbrück via the federal road 68 (near the highway A1). For navigation devices and route planners use the address “Hasestraße 13, 49610 Quakenbrück”.
Please come to the info tent at the entrance so we can tell you where you can park.
Carpooling to the action days
You are still looking for people to drive to the camp together? Do you have a free place or are you looking for a ride yourself?
➡️ Join our carpool chat! Works either via Element/Matrix or via Telegram:
Via Element/Matrix:
Via Telegram:
The Infopoint will be reachable via a telephone number. This will be announced shortly.
Legal matters on arrival
You can call the following EA number if you have any legal questions/issues regarding your arrival:
EA number: 0049 (0)30 8632140 61
Here you can also find a link to the legal assistance brochure from 2021, which is still up to date (