Camp infrastructure (toilets, sanitary, medical service…)

Camp infrastructure (toilets, sanitary, medical service…)

The infrastructure for the action camp is organised by many volunteers. Large tents (for the programme), toilets, washing lines, seating and co. are set up before the official start of the camp.

The action camp is a self-managed and self-organised camp. This means that the camp is organised by everyone together. From setting up to cleaning, everyone is invited to make sure that everyone has a good time at the camp. Everyone can contribute to the camp organisation according to their own skills, preferences and needs.

We also provide toilets and sanitary facilities at the camp. Please pay attention to hygiene and infection protection during the camp, because we are together in a small space and use many things (toilets, showers, kitchen) together. The cleaning of the toilets and sanitary facilities will be done by the participants together, information on how to participate can be found at the info point.

At the action camp, solidary paramedics will be able to provide professional help in case of emergency. We want to work together to make the camp a safer and more secure place.