What could a world without/after Tönnies look like?
That’s what we asked ourselves and you. With our Instagram campaign #stattTönnies, we wanted to give visions a platform. How do you imagine a world without Tönnies and without the power of large industrial corporations? How would you use the land on which huge slaughterhouses are currently located, where animals are kept or feed is grown in monocultures? What new jobs could be created? What would be on our plates?
With our actions against Tönnies, we are not only taking a stand against the animal industry and its terrible effects, but also initiating paths towards a new society. A society that is not based on capitalist foundations, but one that is about the well-being of all people, animals and the environment. And we know that this vision is possible. Land and infrastructure can be used in new ways, decisions can be made by those who are really affected.
You were creative and had many different ideas for a world without Tönnies. Culture factories, renaturation, happy animals, system change, solidarity farming, delicious vegan food – with your contributions you have shown how wonderfully diverse a world without this destructive large corporation could be. Thank you for that!

You want to get creative now? The campaign is not over! You are still welcome to send us your contributions. If you don’t have your own Instagram channel, send us an email to socialmedia@gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org with your picture and a short explanation. Or simply upload your idea to Instagram, use the hashtag #stattTönnies and link Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie.