Text on image: “Stop destroying our planet. Stop EU-Mercosur, more than 395 organizations say”
For years, the EU and several South American countries negotiated the EU-Mercosur agreement without success. The EU is currently pushing for it to be signed again. There is strong resistance from agrarian change and environmental organizations as well as small farmers in Europe and South America. In a joint declaration, over 400 organizations worldwide are calling for the agreement to be stopped.
We as the alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie” have also signed the declaration. This deal would only reinforce neo-colonial continuities. This includes European imports of soy for animal feed for the German animal industry as well as the mass import of beef.
Those who benefit of the neoliberal agreement are the large international agribusiness corporations. The victims are not only small farms in Europe but also small farmers, indigenous peoples and quilombola communities in South America, who are constantly affected by land grabbing, displacement and physical violence.
There is also no doubt that the agreement would fuel the destruction of ecosystems for the monocultures and cattle ranches of agribusinesses. So, get rid of it!
Read the explanation and background: