On 29 March, we will be demonstrating against Bavaria’s largest cattle slaughterhouse in Waldkraiburg (east of Munich)!
The meat company Vion currently has around 4,200 cattle slaughtered there every week. Following Vion’s withdrawal from Germany, Tönnies now wants to take over the slaughterhouse. The takeover would make Tönnies the undisputed number one in the cattle market – and expand its corporate power even further. Tönnies already stands for profit at the expense of people, animals and nature. Such a takeover must not happen! We say: Stop the exploitative animal industry and the power of Tönnies!
The animal industry thrives on animal exploitation, the exploitation of workers and the destruction of our environment. Tönnies and Vion are just two faces of a system. It is time to fundamentally change this system. For an agriculture that respects people, animals and the environment and produces good food for everyone.
You can find all the latest information about the demo here: https://gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org/demo-waldkraiburg