Actions & Activities

We call on everyone to join the days of action!

In the hotspot of the German animal industry, CAFOs, slaughterhouses, sausage factories and animal feed plants are lined up close together. This is also where the biggest profiteers of this industry are located: the big meat companies, above all PHW (Wiesenhof), Vion, Tönnies and Westfleisch.


Information on dealing with the police during the action days


Mass action 2022

This year we are planning again a big disobedient mass action! Be there!

You want to oppose the animal industry with your own actions?

other actions

Our camp is located in the middle of the hotspot of the German animal industry! Here you can find a map of the biggest farms in the region – maybe you will find inspiration for your action location there?

At the camp you can get acquainted with different actions through action trainings

Together with ‘Zucker im Tank’ we will advise you on your action idea at the camp. There will also be a question and answer session on the right of assembly.

A variety of actions are possible! Flyer distribution, blockades, street theater… in front of CAFOs, slaughterhouses, animal feed plants, dairies, supermarkets or on the streets and squares of the region.
In the immediate vicinity of the camp or in one of the surrounding larger cities – feel free to let your creativity run wild!

We want to encourage you to do public relations work for your action.

We would be happy to look over your press release together beforehand. Our press group is also on site and can take over the press communication after consultation.

If you want to be accompanied by photographers, we can put you in contact with people who show solidarity.

And if possible, take an action smartphone with you to the action and post pictures and reports on social media from there.

At the camp there will also be some material that you can take with you on your action – and if needed we can look together where to get more material.

For preparation, be sure to check out the legal aid brochure of our Antirep working group. In case you experience repression, an investigation committee will be available by phone during the entire action period.

Contact us!

If you want to talk to us in advance about your ideas for your own actions, feel free to write to us at
