Mass action 2022 – Hygiene concept (Corona infection control)

– status August 25 2022 –

Our hygiene concept aims to enable all participants to safely participate in the mass action. Our concept is based on the recommendations of the RKI and we have included experiences of other climate camps and demonstrations that took place under corona conditions. We try to prevent infections with the corona virus as much as possible and consider the safe course of the mass action as the task of everyone. Therefore, we appeal to all participants to behave responsibly and in solidarity regarding the Corona pandemic.

Please participate in the mass action only if you:

  • Wear a protective mouth-nose mask (med. surgical mask, FFP2 mask)
    • Please remember to bring several masks for yourself to change. If possible, please bring a few for other people as a sign of solidarity.
  • keep your distance and respect the rules of hygiene
    • We ask the participants of the mass action to arrive as a reference group if possible. The reference groups should stay among themselves if possible.
  • are free of Corona symptoms
    •  If you notice cold or Corona symptoms before your arrival, or learn that you have had contact with a Corona-positive person shortly before your departure, or have any other cause for concern: Report immediately to the Infopoint or directly to the paramedics! We will help you and test you again if necessary.
  • are fully vaccinated and tested negative
    •  “COVID-19 vaccination is the safest way to build protection against COVID-19” (RKI) and help people who are particularly at risk of COVID-19 infection to participate in the mass action. Protective measures are reasonable and sensible. We take a clear position against corona denial, conspiracy narratives, and allying with the right. We do not exclude people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.
    • A negative Corona rapid test or PCR test is a requirement to participate in the mass action. We trust that you will not come to the mass action if your test result is not clearly negative. Rapid test results must not be older than 48 hours at the time of arrival. People can have such rapid tests done in numerous test centers and pharmacies. In most cases, this requires identification and registration – so remember to make appointments early. Negative PCR tests must not be older than 72 hours. We encourage you to test at your home sites, as testing capacity in the mass action area is limited. Testing facilities in the surrounding area are available in Vechta, Visbek, Goldenstedt and other cities (registration and times:
    •  We will also have self-quick tests on site and will hand them out for a soli amount (0-5€).

After the mass action

We ask all participants to get tested for coronavirus on the 3rd and 7th day after their departure from the mass action. If you test positive for Covid, isolate yourself for the days you still have a positive test. Contact us immediately if you test positive for Corona within 14 days of your return, anonymously if you wish! We can be reached at