The citizens’ initiative Aschwarden northwest of Bremen is calling for a demonstration against the planned construction of a meadow farm fattening farm for about 30,000 animals on Friday, March 6, together with Fridays for Future Osterholz. Activists from our alliance will also take part!
Here the flyer for the demonstration only in german:

Below is the call for the demonstration:
In the village of Aschwarden in Schwanewede a chicken fattening facility is to be built! Nearly 30,000 animals will have an agonizing, unworthy life on our doorstep, condemned to death. 26 animals pumped full of antibiotics will soon be crowded together here on just one square meter. Not only an ethical disaster – in times of climate change a completely wrong investment. Money seems to be more important to the local head of Aschwarden and his partner Wiesenhof than animal and climate protection. Despite a citizens’ initiative and 750 signatures against it, he is pushing for the project to be implemented. They do not yet want to take us seriously! But not us!
Let us show our voice on the street!
Citizens’ Initiative Ashwarden: federvieh100@posteo.de
Fridays for Future Easterwood: fff.ohz2019@gmail.com
Further information about the demonstration and background information can be found in the following newspaper article: