Save the Date: Cycling tour “Agriculture on the move” from May 7-23

By bike from Eberswalde to Brake (via Berlin, Potsdam, Leipzig, Erfurt, Kassel, Paderborn and Bielefeld)

From May 7 to 23, we are planning the bike tour “Agriculture on the move” together with the anti-capitalist alliance Disrupt ( This cycle tour will link the hotspots of destruction caused by industrial agriculture and the animal industry with inspiring examples of a better future. On the way, we want to mobilize people, network and denounce the consequences of this system in a key region of Germany in order to demand a change in agriculture together.

More information about the tour and route soon at

Together against Tönnies in Kellinghusen (near Hamburg) – Demonstration on June 15

Share-Pic mit Aufschrift Demo am Tönnies-Schlachthof Kellinghusen und wichtigen Daten zur Demo

At the Tönnies slaughterhouse in Kellinghusen, we are taking a stand against Germany’s largest slaughterhouse and leading meat processor: under the motto “Together against Tönnies”, we are showing that we must put an end to the boundless suffering of animals, the exploitation of workers in slaughterhouses, the destruction of the environment, neo-colonial structures and the huge profits that Tönnies makes from all this destruction.

In Kellinghusen (near Hamburg), Tönnies slaughters over 5,000 pigs a day in the Thomsen slaughterhouse – according to its own information, the slaughterhouse has an annual slaughter capacity of up to 1.7 million animals. Animals that are fattened to maximum slaughter weight in the shortest possible time in the fattening facilities of industrial animal husbandry are killed here. This is exactly where we want to be loud!

You can find all the important information on how to get to the demonstration on the demo subpage. Come around!

Solibus drives from Berlin to the camp and back! Register now!

Hello dear active people,

The Solibus will take us from Berlin to Lower Saxony to the camp and mass action of the alliance ‘Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie’. And also back!​​​​​​​

Date and time
We will depart from Berlin on Tuesday 13 July at 10 AM. The bus will return from the camp to Berlin on Saturday 17 July at 12 PM (noon).
Departure location is available upon registration.

If you want to join us, please send us an e-mail to:
(PGP Key here:

There are 49 seats for passengers. The bus is barrier-free with lift (1x wheelchair place fixed, more possible with transfer). There are contact persons in the bus.
It is possible to travel one-way or roundtrip. Due to the planning, it would be important if you can let us know in advance.

And very important:
If you have registered, but then can not come, cancel!
Otherwise seats will be empty and people who want to come will not be able to.

Yes, it is a Solibus. But that doesn’t mean that the Solibus Collective has no costs.
We want to cover these costs as good as possible and therefore we should try to collect at least 1.000 € for the bus. But we also want you to be able to travel with us if you don’t have any money.
Therefore our recommendation would be to pay 15 € per trip. The soli contribution would be 20 €.
With 10 € the costs would be almost covered with a full bus. However, it is often the case that some seats remain empty or that other passengers are not able to pay that much.
Therefore, it would be very nice to proceed according to the principle ‘they who have, give’ (‘Wer hat der*die gibt’).

Please bring the money in cash to the departure.
Please let us know how much you want to pay when you register, so we can have a rough idea of how much you will have to pay.

Due to the limited transport possibilities we ask you to pay attention to how much ‘stuff’ you pack.
If you have more material than a normal backpack, for example big banners, action material or equipment for the camp, please let us know in advance.
For the good of all, please refrain from taking illegal drugs, action items or other materials if possible.

Even though the incidence value is currently decreasing and we expect a relaxation of the Corona measures, we ask you to wear a medical mask or a FFP2 mask during the trip.
We would also appreciate it if all people could take a self-test before the ride. This way, you can all help minimize the safety from unwanted Corona transmissions and associated inconveniences, including at camp. Disinfectant will be provided on the bus and also at camp.
If you have any COVID symptoms, we appeal to you to act conscientiously and if you are unsure, to stay home and cancel your ticket.

Looking forward to seeing you on the bus and at the camp!