24 necessary measures for a socially just and ecological management of the Covid 19 pandemic

Together with 59 other groups from climate justice and other social movements, we have worked to develop 24 measures that we believe are necessary in the current situation.

“The Corona crisis shows us the shortcomings of our current economic system,” says the list of demands. “This is the right moment to make our economy sustainable, fair and crisis-proof.”

On the one hand, the cross-sectional paper covers short-term demands such as the evacuation of large shelters and decentralised accommodation of refugees. On the other hand, it contains long-term measures such as the socialisation of the health care system or the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity in order to avoid future pandemics. Among other things, we call for an agricultural turnaround towards a reliable, socially just, ecologically compatible and animal welfare-free food supply.

You can read the whole paper here.

Camp called off, but we stay active!


The spread of the “corona virus” SARS-Cov-2 is currently affecting all of our lives and cannot be ignored as a current global crisis. We all cannot yet foresee how the situation will develop in the next months. Therefore, we must postpone our planned mass action against PHW for this June with a heavy heart. Because even if by then such an action should be possible again, to prepare and to mobilize for it is very hard in the current situation.

In the meantime, as an alliance, we will continue working on our topic, trying out new (digital) forms of action and also continue to grow – in terms of personnel and content. So that we can all endure the current, challenging conditions and in the future will be able to fight against the animal industry, against the climate crisis and against oppression and exploitation with all the more power! We’re going to observe new opportunity windows that arise in these times of change and exchange information with other movements about it. Nevertheless, our confidence to stand up against the animal industry is urgent and we are doing everything we can to prepare the camp and the mass action for 2021, and then next year – if circumstances permit – we will be all the more energetic and powerful!

So stay tuned, we’ll keep you posted. Until then: stay healthy, stay alert for authoritarian actions, stay active, be in solidarity and take care of yourselves!

Networking meeting on 09 March in Vechta

Together with the Animal Rights Initiative Vechta, we are organising an open networking meeting in Vechta on 9 March. We want to get together in a relaxed atmosphere from 7 p.m. onwards and network with other activists from the region.
We will report about our current planning status and talk about participation possibilities. There will also be room for your questions and discussions.

When: Monday, March 9th, 7 pm
Where: Room E 033, University of Vechta

If you have any questions, please send us a mail in advance: mail@gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.de

Below is our invitation text, which you are welcome to forward to interested parties:

Alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie”: Networking meeting in Vechta on 09. March (19 Uhr)

The alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie” is planning a protest camp in Visbek-Rechterfeld for 13th to 20th June 2020! This is where the PHW Group has its headquarters: with its brands Wiesenhof, Bruzzzler and Co. it is the largest German poultry breeder and processor. PHW and the animal industry are recording record sales and growth rates, while the workers* in the factories have to slave away under inhumane conditions, the Amazon rainforest is constantly burning for new areas of feed and fuels climate change, and undercover research in animal factories brings to light appalling conditions again and again. This is a scandal!

We are a broad alliance of groups and people who want to stand together in the way of the animal industry. You are also already active against the animal industry, for climate and environmental protection or against exploitation? Or you have been waiting for a long time for an opportunity to become active and you are curious what we have in mind? We would love to meet you at our open networking meeting in Vechta on 09 March! On this evening, starting at 7 pm, we will present the alliance and the current planning status. In a relaxed atmosphere we can talk about possible questions and participation possibilities.

When: Monday, March 9th 7 pm
Where: University of Vechta (exact location to be announced)
If you have any questions, please send us an email in advance: mail(at)gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

You can find further information on our homepage: https://gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

See you soon!
Animal Rights Initiative Vechta and Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie

Citizens’ initiatives against animal industry: Demonstration against chicken fattening in Aschwarden

The citizens’ initiative Aschwarden northwest of Bremen is calling for a demonstration against the planned construction of a meadow farm fattening farm for about 30,000 animals on Friday, March 6, together with Fridays for Future Osterholz. Activists from our alliance will also take part!

Here the flyer for the demonstration only in german:

Below is the call for the demonstration:

In the village of Aschwarden in Schwanewede a chicken fattening facility is to be built! Nearly 30,000 animals will have an agonizing, unworthy life on our doorstep, condemned to death. 26 animals pumped full of antibiotics will soon be crowded together here on just one square meter. Not only an ethical disaster – in times of climate change a completely wrong investment. Money seems to be more important to the local head of Aschwarden and his partner Wiesenhof than animal and climate protection. Despite a citizens’ initiative and 750 signatures against it, he is pushing for the project to be implemented. They do not yet want to take us seriously! But not us!

Let us show our voice on the street!

Citizens’ Initiative Ashwarden: federvieh100@posteo.de
Fridays for Future Easterwood: fff.ohz2019@gmail.com


Further information about the demonstration and background information can be found in the following newspaper article:


Work in the meat industry: Inauguration of the advisory centre “Aktion Würde und Gerechtigkeit” (Action Dignity and Justice)

The workers in the animal industry often suffer from exploitative working conditions. They have to perform physically and psychologically extremely stressful work. By employing them on work contracts, the rights of workers from South-Eastern and Eastern Europe in particular are disregarded and organising is made more difficult. They do not have a guaranteed wage, and fees for a wide variety of work equipment are deducted from their wages. Health and safety at work is virtually non-existent. In case of complaints and in case of illness they have to expect their dismissal.

In order to counteract this, the association “Aktion Würde und Gerechtigkeit” was founded. This non-profit association supports workers, especially from Eastern and Southeastern Europe, with the meat industry as its main focus.

On Friday (6 March 2020) at 15.00 hrs the association’s advisory centre in Rahestraße 29 in 49525 Lengerich will be officially inaugurated.

Workers will receive advice on site, by telephone and e-mail, from volunteers and lawyers.

Homepage: http://wuerde-gerechtigkeit.de
E-Mail: office@wuerde-gerechtigkeit.de
Phone: 05481 3089904

Further information:



Call: Hand in Hand for Animal Rights 2.0

On May 02, 2020, a large animal rights demonstration will take place in Hamburg under the motto “Hand in Hand for Animal Rights 2.0”. The demonstration is organized by the Animal Rights Activists Alliance, and many other groups are also calling for this. We also support the call:


This is the call from the Animal Rights League:

On 02.05.2020 it is to go in Hamburg around the Alster again media-effectively around animal rights and Veganismus.

We want to show society, politics and the media our strength, which we have through our unity in the overall goal and through our numbers. Together for animal rights. All together.

On 02 May 2020 something never before seen will take place!
Currently 21 German and international animal rights organisations, groups and initiatives are officially mobilising with us for the longest planned human chain for animal rights ever.
Together we pull together to reach as many people as possible and bring them to Hamburg!

The long-time animal rights activists and animal liberators as well as those who have recently become active and those who have never been on the streets before, the health as well as the pudding vegans and raw food vegans, the not-yet-vegans and the vegetarians with a constantly bad conscience, from the vegetable children with their vegetable parents to the elderly vegetable fans!

Climate plan from below: Publication of the 1st edition

Today, the 1st edition of the Climate Plan from below, to which members of our alliance have also contributed, was published!

Here is the message from the just1 comma5 crew:

 We are facing one of the biggest decisions of mankind - a decision on how to face the climate crisis.This is both a huge responsibility and an opportunity. Our chance to jointly initiate a comprehensive change towards a more just society.

Dear friends* and climateists,

above you have read a quote from the introduction of the climate plan from below.Finally, the time has come: Today we publish the first edition of the Climate Plan from below!

Here you can find all the big and small measures collected so far that can help to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees: 


We decided against a print version at first, because, as you will probably notice while browsing through it, the 1st edition is mainly a construction site plan.

So there can be no talk of a conclusion for a long time. And that is not the idea. That's why you are all still invited and cordially invited to get involved, write new measures, discuss and comment on existing measures and to spread the idea of the climate plan from below!

After this first phase of writing the climate plan from below, we invite you to a larger planning meeting from April 3 - 5 to plan the next phase. SAVE THE DATE! We are looking forward to welcome many new faces! Together we want to spin further visions and paths of the campaign - How can we make the climate plan more known? How can we fill it with more content? How can we start implementing individual measures?

Finally, we want to say thank you! Thanks to all the hard-working and supportive people who have contributed to this project! Together we have laid a first foundation stone on which a world that is fair to the climate can be built. Together - in cooperation with numerous initiatives and groups - we have ensured that the word "system change" does not remain an empty shell, but we are beginning to examine the concepts, ideas and visions behind it and to fill it with life.

We are still at the beginning of a long journey. If we walk it together, if we are organized and in solidarity, we can achieve great things.

Solidary greetings and we hope to see you soon,

your G1K5 crew



Networking meeting on 11 March in Osnabrück

Together with the Animal Rights Initiative Osnabrück, we are organising an open networking meeting in Osnabrück on 11 March. We want to get together in a relaxed atmosphere from 7 p.m. onwards and network with other active people from the city. We will report about our current planning status and talk about participation possibilities. There will also be room for your questions and discussions.

When: Wednesday, March 11, 7 pm
Where: EW building 1st floor, room 15/130, Seminarstraße 20, 49074 Osnabrück

If you have any questions, please send us a mail in advance: mail(at)gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

Below is our invitation text, which you are welcome to forward to interested parties:

Alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie”: Networking meeting in Osnabrück on 11 March (7 pm)

The alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie” is planning a protest camp in Visbek-Rechterfeld for 13th to 20th June 2020! This is where the PHW Group has its headquarters: with its brands Wiesenhof, Bruzzzler and Co. it is the largest German poultry breeder and processor. PHW and the animal industry are recording record sales and growth rates, while the workers* in the factories have to slave away under inhumane conditions, the Amazon rainforest is constantly burning for new areas of feed and fuels climate change, and undercover research in animal factories brings to light appalling conditions again and again. This is a scandal!

We are a broad alliance of groups and people who want to stand together in the way of the animal industry. You are also already active against the animal industry, for climate and environmental protection or against exploitation? Or you have been waiting for a long time for an opportunity to become active and you are curious what we have in mind? We would love to meet you at our open networking meeting in Osnabrück on 11 March! On this evening, starting at 7 pm, we will present the alliance and the current planning status. In a relaxed atmosphere we can talk about possible questions and participation possibilities.

When: Wednesday, 11 March 7 pm
Where: EW building 1st floor, room 15/130, Seminarstraße 20, 49074 Osnabrück

If you have any questions, please send us an email in advance: mail(at)gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

You can find further information on our homepage: https://gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

See you soon!
Animal Rights Initiative Osnabrück and Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie

Networking meeting on 10 March in Bremen

Together with Ende Gelände Bremen, we are organising an open networking meeting in Bremen on 10 March. We want to get together in a relaxed atmosphere from 7 pm on and network with other active people from the city. We will report about our current planning status and talk about participation possibilities. There will also be room for your questions and discussions.

When: Tuesday, March 10th, 7 pm
Where: BDP House, Am Hulsberg 136, 28205 Bremen (https://osm.org/go/0G01zk0J?m=)If you have any questions, please send us a mail in advance: mail(at)gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

Below is our invitation text, which you are welcome to forward to interested parties:

Alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie”: Networking meeting in Bremen on 10 March (7 pm)

The alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie” is planning a protest camp in Visbek-Rechterfeld for 13th to 20th June 2020! This is where the PHW Group has its headquarters: with its brands Wiesenhof, Bruzzzler and Co. It is the largest German poultry breeder and processor. PHW and the animal industry are recording record sales and growth rates, while the workers* in the factories have to slave away under inhumane conditions, the Amazon rainforest is constantly burning for new areas of feed and fuels climate change, and undercover research in animal factories brings to light appalling conditions again and again. This is a scandal!

We are a broad alliance of groups and people who want to stand together in the way of the animal industry. You are also already active against the animal industry, for climate and environmental protection or against exploitation? Or you have been waiting for a long time for an opportunity to become active and you are curious what we have in mind? We would love to meet you at our open networking meeting in Bremen on March 10th! On this evening, starting at 7 pm, we will present the alliance and the current planning status. In a relaxed atmosphere we can talk about possible questions and participation possibilities.

When: Tuesday, 10 March 7 pm
Where: BDP House, Am Hulsberg 136, 28205 Bremen

If you have any questions, please send us an email in advance: mail(at)gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

You can find further information on our homepage: https://gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org

See you soon!
Ende Gelände Bremen and Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie

20.02.2020: The alliance “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie” on Cira TV


Two comrades from Mobi AG visited Cira TV on Thursday evening – a Yazidi / Kurdish broadcaster – and presented our alliance there. The show was broadcast live and can now be found on the youtube channel.

Topics of the show include the self-image of the cross-movement, Germany-wide alliance, which was founded as part of an action conference in July 2019. The planned actions and events of the alliance are also part of the program. The general current political situation will also be addressed in the course of the program.

ANF-Press article:
